International Talent Support is an established and world-renowned contest launched in 2002, and has since developed into the most recognized platform to showcase and support the strongest young talents on the planet. Most importantly, it created an ever growing network that supports creativity. Many of the over 500 finalists selected now occupy key positions in the most important fashion brands or have established themselves with their own lines.
The Fashion Jury is composed of the most respected names in this field and includes designers, opinion leaders, trendsetters and more. The Awards represent unique support offering, besides pocket money, amazing internships and job opportunities.
The ITS FASHION Award winner will receive a cash prize of a minimum of €10,000. The OTB Award will grant €10,000 and the winner might be offered an internship in one of the brands of the group. The deadline to enroll online is March 21st, while portfolios must reach our offices by March 24th.
Click here for more information on how to apply.